Are you thinking of starting your own business or becoming self-employed?
If you have an idea and would like help turning it into a business then we can support you. Build Your Business is a free service where an Enterprise Coach in your area will provide one-to-one support to help you on your business start up journey.
Who is Build Your Business for?
Build Your Business is an inclusive support service available to individuals who:
- would like to set up a new business or become self-employed
- or have set up a new business or become self-employed in the last twelve months
- live in the eligible areas
Participate Projects are contracted to deliver this service in Manningham, Toller, Shipley and Bingley. Our partners, Bradford Trident and Impact Hub, provide additional coaching support in City, Great Horton and Little Horton.
If you have a business idea which is based in Bingley, Shipley, Manningham & Toller, please contact your local Enterprise Coach: